Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sad Day

left - RIP Billy, he has sadly not made it to the kiln ... Saved the head though

right -The start of my drypoint and mezzotint obsession. This is the first print which I made of my monster Billy in drypoint and mezzotint. I love this process! The print was done before the sculpture of Billy

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Greg and Bertha

Finally made a home. ( Bertha is the bottom frog ) The piece was finally salt fired and with a little bit of fixing up I am very happy with the end result.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Its Time

Thought that I finally need to update this thing. Because of my ceramic work molding with my printmaking I thought that I should just make one blog with them both because they are such a great influence on each other.


This was made during my first semester for my coil project in fall 2008. They are salt fired using a blue, black, and some yellow glaze.


This was part of our gargoyle project in fall 2008. High fired with a stain and later rubbed on with green paint for an older look.

"Care For a Dip?"
This is my bird bath from my second semester of ceramics in spring 2009. I have already salt fired it so hopefully I will have a recent picture of it soon.


We tried out a sagar fire and these were the 3 tiles I put in raw. These were done in fall 2009.